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About Us

HAYASHI WAX is a family owned and operated business nestled in snowy Yamagata, Japan. Skiing has always been our passion and our affection for ski wax just naturally followed because of the heavy snow and variable conditions we encounter.


For 12 years, our products have been tested daily in the harsh winter conditions of Zao, Japan where we experience just about every snow consistency nature blesses us with. We are committed to provide our users with the highest quality ski wax to battle any snow condition. Our waxes and base treatments excel at gliding on extreme cold, dirty, and wet snow.


Our Mission
"For all the snow fans" is our motto, motive and resolve. Snow and snow sports have nurtured us be become who we are and our mission is to give back to the lifestyle that has shaped us. We believe that skiing and snowboarding is infinitely more enjoyable with base that glides well, and therefore have been manufacturing professional quality ski wax since 2005.
Research and development
No Compromise
At Hayashi Wax, we are committed to provide the best user experience possible. The owners, whom are also the product developers work tirelessly to develop faster, more convenient solutions for ski waxing and base treatments. Our goal is to allow an athlete or enthusiast to perform at their maximum potential at anytime, in any condition. Whether you're looking to shave 1/100 sec off your time or just hate the flats, we have a solution for you.  
Enviromental Awareness 
While we focus mainly on how well our products perform, we are very aware of how chemicals from base treatments affect watersheds and ecosystems. At HAYASHI WAX we continue to research and discover newer methods of synthesizing product kinder to the environment. HAYASHI WAX donates a portion of sales to WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) Japan. 
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Manufactured with professionalism by Hayashi Wax

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